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Tips On Surviving Mr. Podczaszy's Language Arts Class!

Mr. Podczaszy is one of the two Language Arts Teachers at AdVENTURE. Mr. Podczaszy is a very sweet and smart teacher, and when I say smart, I mean smart. That leads us to Tip number one! DON'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES! Mr. Podczaszy has eyes like a hawk! He may not see you playing games, but oh! He knows. Make sure you don't play games because he will warn you the first time, and the second, but the 3rd time you will get a referral. So..don't play games! That leads us to tip number 2! Make sure to turn in all your assignments on time! Mr. P grades the assignment very quickly, so you will know, and make sure to resubmit if you realize that you get something wrong then, you make sure to email him and let him know. That's all about it! Mr. P's class is nice and simple and something for all students to enjoy!

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