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Hi!! I'm Jenna! I am 13 years old. I live in San Jose, California. I love to play sports! I think it's a really great way of staying fit and healthy. My favorite sport is basketball! I am a very competitive player on the court and I really have fun playing. Since I love basketball, I also watch basketball. I am a BIG fan of the Golden State Warriors, and an even bigger fan of the splash bros! (Stephen Curry is my favorite!!) Throughout my years at AdVENTURE I have been incorporating basketball any chance I can. I actually might get the chance to meet my favorite NBA player (Stephen Curry) this summer! Which I hope happens! I will let you  know if I do!:)




I love to travel. Any chance I get to go somewhere new I take! I just love the feeling of trying new things, seeing new things, and hearing new sounds!(Music, Language, etc.) This may sound crazy but I love airplanes and Airports. I just love being there! I don't know why! Something even crazier is I LOVE airplane food. I really like it! Which I know is pretty weird!The places I have visited are Egypt, Dead Sea, Jordan, Petra, Dubai, Wadi AL Hmara, Los Angelos, San Diego, Las Vegas, Reno, Lake Tahoe, Palm Springs, Fresno, Orange County, and hopefully the Rivera Maya and so much more! I really wish to go and visit Italy and Greece! They look like gorgeous places! I also wish to visit Australia and Africa. I decided that when I get older and get a job I will take my mom and her and I will travel the world together! 




Some very important people in my life are of course my family, but also my Best Friends! My friends and I are a group of six girls. Yasmeen, Zena, Anna, Maya, Giselle, and I. Those five girls are my sisters. We have been friends for about 12 years already! And what's great is that our parents are best friends which brings us closer as a group. My friends from school are also very important to me! I am friends with every girl in the class which is actually pretty cool! However, my overall BEST FRIEND is my sister. My sister and I of course argue all the time, but she is my best friend. No matter how many friends I lose I would always know I have one best friend forever, my sister. My sister also goes to AdVENTURE which is great becuase of she needs any help with anything I would be there to help her. Well, I know I have a lot of friends and believe me I love them all. 





I hope I didn't bore you and I hope that you got to know me better as a 7th grade student with many dreams and friends! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed reading about me!

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