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Equal Pay For Women

C-Span Video Compettion 

The C-Span Video competition was really a project/competition that opened up my eyes. My team and I had to choose a world problem that we think the new president of the United States should address. As a team of all girls who wanted a good future, We choose to bring awareness to the subject of equal pay. Lots of women get paid less than their male co-workers for doing the SAME EXACT THING. So my team and I decided to make our video about the subject of equal pay. We worked very hard on producing this video and it took a loooooooong time. This video really captures what we're trying to say and has a message to not only the president, but to everyone else in the United States and around the world. It's really one of my best works. There were many steps to making this video but at the end of the day, it was so worth it because it made my team and I have more knowledge about what’s going on around us today and it prepares us for the future.

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