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HI! My name is Jenna. I am a 7th grader at adVENTURE. This is my second year in this program and I couldn't be happier. I don't have the words to explain how inspiring and wonderful this school is! I know that I belong here and I am so happy I found this school. I have had so many opportunities to learn more and be who I am. I really don't know what I would do if it wasn't for adVENTURE. I had the chance to  engage in real life conversations with my father. I did have doubts in this school once I got the acceptance letter. However, when I got to adVENTURE I felt like I was in a wonderland. A fantasy school, I never imagined. I would wake up every morning excited to see what I will be learning today!



First, being an adVENTURE student means getting to do things that many students in your grade can't. Many 7th graders my age don't get the amazing adVENTURE projects. These projects make you feel smart and what is even better about this is that your teachers are with you every step of the way, making sure if you fall to pick you up and give you better ideas on how to work on a project. Like a guardian angel. I can't say how many times a non adVENTURE student tells me that I am lucky to be in such an amazing and hardworking school, and I know I am very lucky to be here. I consider projects like a test. You have a few weeks to learn about that specific subject and you are put to the test by working on a project. BUT, a project requires team work and adVENTURE is all abut collaborating. This prepares us for the real world and gets us as students  for what's to come. Which is not what any other school would really do. 




Second, being an adVENTURE student makes you feel like you have a 2nd family. AdVENTURE is not like any other middle school. We don't have different classmates in each class. We are like a class who goes from period to period TOGETHER. This makes it so I spend time with the same students, five days a week, for four years. It may sound boring but, as the years go by the closer we become. It's not just the students who are family, it's the teachers too! The teachers are like I said before our guardian angels. They make sure that we know what to  do and that EVERY SINGLE STUDENT knows what going on. They make sure the shyest students come out from being that shy kid to  that amazing kid in that classroom with new and great ideas. They may be strict at times, but that's all because they care about us and our education. They always stay on top of our grades and try to make us the best we can be. We laugh with them and we make jokes together. We really do feel like a big, big, big family and I couldn't have asked for more!




Finally, being an adVENTURE student means doing so much for your benefit. Adventure STEM is not just a name. It stands for something. The S stands for Science, the T stands for Technology, the E stands for Engineering, and the M stands for Math. But, wait! That's not the only thing we study at adVENTURE. Adventure has many subjects. For example, Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (OF COURSE), Social Studies, Language Arts, and so many electives! You feel so smart knowing all these subjects!




Overall, adVENTURE has been great to me and I am already dreading the end of the year next year in 8th grade! I hope to enjoy every last bit of my time and here with my teachers and classmates. This school has been great to me from the start and can't wait for what's to come and what I'm going to learn in the future from this school!


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